Finance Transformation Reimagined
What we do
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Finance Transformation
Unleash the potential of your programme
In our experience, whilst there are many potential points of failure in transformation programmes, the first and fundamental question to ask is 'is this the right programme?' It is vital to ask this question right from the very earliest stages, when considering transformation strategy and roadmap at a high level, but it is also a question to ask repeatedly, throughout the programme lifecycle. A clear 'case for change', properly thought out and bought into by the stakeholder community, should inform everything, from the 'spec and select' exercise to initiation and onboarding to deployment and on to live operation. Without it, it is impossible to be definitive about the scope, the requirements, success criteria, benefits realisation and, in turn, the planning and execution of the programme. In short, it is likely to lead to a failure to meet expectations. At FTS it goes without saying that we can support planning and execution, working closely with you and your chosen SI; but, more importantly, we can help and advise you throughout in asking that difficult question, which often remains unasked, and still less is answered. We only work with experienced consultants and can draw upon a network of associates that are tried and tested professionals.
Change Management
Make change the heart of your programme
Most transformation programmes that fail to deliver their promised benefits do so because change has only been considered as an afterthought. We have seen this issue reach crisis proportions with the advent of cloud ERP and the need to 'adopt, not adapt' that puts all the onus on the business to change its processes and ways of working. Moreover, your SI is unlikely to be able to help, as they have a vested interest in delivering the technology at all costs, even if they try to sell you support for change as an add-on service. At FTS we can advise on creating a coherent strategy for change and help you put it into action, with robust planning, execution and monitoring. We only work with experienced consultants and can draw upon a network of associates that are tried and tested professionals.
Finance Transformation Reimagined
We can help every step of the way
The start of your journey can be tricky to navigate. It's hard to know where to start. At FTS we can take you through a series of workshops exploring your current business processes, establishing the key 'pain points', then look at the 'art of the possible', setting out a clear vision for the future and an overall programme scope. We then move on to develop the outline Business Case that allows the transformation to proceed to the next stages of 'spec and select'.
'Spec and select'
Find the right partners
Choosing the appropriate technology to underpin your transformation is an expensive mistake waiting to happen. FTS has tried and tested methodologies that de-risk the decision-making process. Robust mapping of high level to-be processes and gathering clear, concise requirements, both functional and non-functional, is the first step. We then support you in running a comprehensive selection process, including an exhaustive RFP (Request for Proposal) process and subsequent demos, that will allow you to put software vendors through their paces, ensuring that an optimal fit is achieved. We recommend a 'partnered approach' that allows software vendors to work closely with a prospective systems integrator. The key to success is that we ensure continued buy-in from your organisation, across the range of stakeholders, enabling a set of decisions that all can subscribe to.
Programme Management
Your transformation, delivered
Transformations are complex, with many moving parts, a myriad of stakeholders and multiple third parties to manage. With wide-ranging experience across many sectors and clients, we are able to anticipate many of the challenges that might be encountered. It's not just about sound programme and project management but also being able to get stuck right in where that's needed, whether that's the devil in the detail of data migration or facilitating the solution of complex design decisions.